Prispex has been a trusted producer of Saw Palmetto series products for over 15 years, with annual capacity of over 200 tons and selling in more than 30 countries. Our products comply with the regulations of USP, EP, KP and have successfully passed ID Test and DNA Test.



Infrared spectroscopy is an analytical technique that analyzes the relative vibration between atoms and molecular rotation to determine the molecular structure and identify compounds. It is particularly suitable for qualitative research on complex mixtures such as Saw Palmetto Oil. Differences in the infrared spectrum indicate changes in specific organic components in the sample.


Thin-layer chromatography is a unique chemical testing method that enables the visible separation of organic compounds. High-performance thin-layer chromatography is more advanced than traditional thin-layer chromatography, offering shorter analysis time, higher resolution, and improved sensitivity. Each spot appears distinct under UV light and meets USP standards.

Saw Palmetto Berry and its oil comprise 10 different types of fatty acids. Gas chromatography is used for analysis following the regulations of USP, to conclude that the fatty acids content, proportion and system applicability meet the required standards.

EP utilizes an alternative thin-layer chromatography analysis method, multiple crucial spots are distinctly visible when exposed to sunlight.

Furthermore, we use DNA technology to determine the genetic identity of the product, guaranteeing that the active ingredients in both the raw materials and finished products are sourced solely from authentic Serenoa repens, rather than other species like Brahea, Acoelorrhaphe wrightii, Livistoninae saribus, Rhapidinae trachycarpus, etc.

In accordance with EP guidelines, we conduct microscopic identification on the received Saw Palmetto Dried Berries to reaffirm the accuracy and authenticity of raw materials.